Pursuant to art. 13 of Italian Legislative
Decree no. 196 of 30th June 2003, bearing
requirements for the protection of individuals
concerning the treatment of personal information,
we inform you that the data you provide to
this Firm will be subjected to both manual
and computer processing, with all respect
to the rules included in current legislation.
As results from the aim of the collecting
of this data, their conferment is not compulsory.
Data will be made available to outsiders for
as far as current legislation allows. With
respect to such data, the individual to who
they refer, can exercise rights, upon they
are compatible with the current legislation
that concerns personal initiative in the area
in which the data has been collected and kept
by these Firms. Entitled to the data treatment
are: YouReality Group snc and Media Consulting sas
of Angelini Luigi&C.